Friday, October 28, 2005


Pre-emptive refutation of conservative information concerning Libby's indictment that is most likely to appear in the media:

>MYTH 1: Special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald is an overzealous prosecutor who was out to get the Bush administration.

FACT: Fitzgerald was appointed U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois by President Bush after he was recommended for the post by conservative Republican Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL, no relation). He was hand-picked by the Bush Justice Department to investigate the Plame matter.

>MYTH 2: Fitzgerald overstepped his authority and went beyond his original mandate to investigate possible violations of the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act (IIPA).

FACT: Fitzgerald's official delegation as special counsel did not mention the IIPA, or any other specific statute. Rather, it granted him "all the authority of the Attorney General with respect to the Department's investigation into the alleged unauthorized disclosure of a CIA employee's identity."

>MYTH 3: The indictment marks a troubling move towards the criminalization of politics.

FACT: The outing of Valerie Plame wasn't "politics," it was a leak of classified information that put U.S. national security at risk. Lying to a grand jury and obstructing justice to block an investigation and possible prosecution of the leak, if in fact Libby is found guilty of those crimes, isn't "politics"; it's a crime.

>MYTH 4: Leaks happen every day in Washington; there was no reason to launch an investigation in the first place.

FACT: Leaks about an upcoming press conference or the administration's legislative strategy happen every day. Leaks of classified information that blow the cover of CIA agents and jeopardize national security are far different from the comparably trivial leaks that occur daily.

>MYTH 5: It was commonly known among Plame's neighbors and in her social circles that she works at the CIA.

FACT: Libby's indictment reads: "At all relevant times from January 1, 2002 through July 2003, Valerie [Plame] Wilson was employed by the CIA, and her employment status was classified. Prior to July 14, 2003, Valerie Wilson's affiliation with the CIA was not common knowledge outside the intelligence community."

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Military Censorship

Soldier-bloggers have provided journalists, families, and the public firsthand, uncensored accounts of what’s happening in Iraq—until now. A new policy, handed down by U.S. commanders in April but only recently reported, requires service members in Iraq who blog to notify their chain of command, or face punishment. Under the policy, commanders must read subordinates’ blogs. Some soldiers are going offline, rather than reveal their identity to higher-ups. Others say they’ll break the rule. “I’m taking a risk,” says one soldier, “but I [can’t] be objective if the Army knows who I am.”

I wonder what they are afraid of? The truth perhaps?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

President Cogratulates Iraqis on Successful Elections

(The South Grounds)

President's Remarks

12:47 P.M. EDT

"On behalf of the American people, I'd like to congratulate the people of Iraq for the successful completion of a vote on their draft constitution. By all indications, the turnout was greater than the turnout from the last January election, which is good news. By all indications, the Sunnis participated in greater numbers in this election than last time. And that's good news. After all, the purpose of a democracy is to make sure everybody is -- participates in the process. I'm also pleased, from the initial indications, that the level of violence was considerably less than the last election. That's a tribute to the Iraqis -- forces who we've trained, as well as coalition forces that worked hard to make sure that democracy could move forward in Iraq. This is a very positive day for the Iraqis and, as well, for world peace. Democracies are peaceful countries. The vote today in Iraq stands in stark contrast to the attitudes and philosophy and strategy of al Qaeda and its terrorist friends and killers. We believe, and the Iraqis believe, the best way forward is through the democratic process. Al Qaeda wants to use their violent ways to stop the march of democracy because democracy is the exact opposite of what they believe is right. We're making progress toward peace. We're making progress toward an ally that will join us in the war on terror, that will prevent al Qaeda from establishing safe haven in Iraq, and a country that will serve as an example for others who aspire to live in freedom. So, again, I congratulate the Iraqi people. I thank you for meeting this milestone. Thank you for doing what is right, to set the foundations for peace for future generations to come. Appreciate it."

END 12:51 P.M. EDT

(The back yard)

L-Mans Remarks

11:45 central

Funny how some don't realize this is a statement of opinion by the President and his advisors. At the time that the President made this statement there had not even been any actual vote count. I hope that the voting goes the way we "need" it to go so we can get our troops out sooner but I'm not willing to accept any opinion from the President since his opinions and miss-guided principles may be what got us into this war for who-knows-what.......I prefer to wait until I know how the voting really went. It may well be that more Sunnis voted but did not vote the way we need them to vote so that we may start to pull out troops. It also may be that more Sunnis turned up to vote due to the increased security and lull in insurgency activities partially due to the ban on automobile during this event. (I don't understand why this isn't made permanent while we are in occupation there. It's not like the Iraqis need to drive to thier Sunday picnics. Most are terrified to even leave shelter except to scrounge what they need to survive).Believe it or not , I'd truly like to be able to trust President Bush. It really doesn't feel very good to feel betrayed as many of us do. I usually just distance myself from those I do not trust but it is next to impossible when that person has as much control over the lives of myself and others as President Bush has. This is a statement of opinion by myself.......not necessarily fact.

END: 11:51 central

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Human Brain. ..a mistake?

The problem with attempting to argue religion is that any religion has it's own set of rules dealing with right and wrong just as every form of government has its own set of rules. If it were possible for every human being on this planet to accept the rules of a single religion or even a single world government as many would like to see, individuals would still find a conflict because there would still be one thing getting in the way.....A complex organ called the brain. 100% mind control will always be impossible. All forms of government and all forms of religion attempt to control individuals by mind control daily. This has been true since the beginning of time. Even the perfect democracy that we strive for in this country is nothing but a form of mind control. To believe in God or any Creator of mankind , you must accept that the human mind with all its flaws must have been designed as it is for a purpose. No religion will allow for the idea that the Creator chosen by thier particular religion made a mistake. So if this Creator embraced by any religion gave the human race a brain capable of forming individual ideas this must not be a mistake. Their ideas, even if they also do not prove their own views, force those on the other side to defend theirs. Life’s events are what they are, no more and no less. We have opinions of them, and opinions vary among individuals. No one can tell another what is right or wrong, just or unjust. Each individual decides that for his/herself. They’ll call it right or wrong as they see fit. The words just and unjust have no real meaning, or if they do the meaning cannot be established. That will make it impossible for everyone to ever agree 100% on anything. For this reason thier will never be a possibility of world peace any more than thier will be a possibility of a single religion accepted worldwide. In my own mind, I think it is a very big mistake to interfere in the decisions made by any particular religion or form of government. It is ridiculous in my opinion to believe that terrorism can ever be defeated because of this one little thing that we can never control 100%......The Human Brain.