Friday, September 16, 2005

Neglegent Homicide?

Charles Foti, Louisiana's attorney general has charged two owners of a New Orleans nursing home with negligent homicide because, to quote Reuters the state "presumes" 34 residents of the facility drowned during the flood. No need for autopsies: elderly patients seldom die of natural causes, especially under stress. That's why Salvador Mangano Sr., 65, and his wife, Mable, 62, decided against evacuating these folks. They thought their patients stood a better chance of surviving Katrina and the government's "help" in their own beds. Given the number of elderly people who died in their wheelchairs at the Superdome, anyone with any sense would have agree. Talk about negligent homicide! Even if we forget about the 34 souls the Manganos supposedly killed, the state to date has contributed to 389 deaths in Louisiana alone. Government's poor maintenance allowed the levees to crack; its false promises of salvation during an emergency persuaded many people to make bad choices; its incompetence at rescue work and its deliberate thwarting of private efforts killed more..... Attorney General Charles Foti has worked for the "beast" most of his life. According to Foti's own website, he first "served" as "an attorney for several local, state and federal agencies." Then he "served" "for 30 years as one of the most innovative law enforcement officials in the United States, Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff.... In his tenure as Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff, he oversaw the expansion of the parish jail, growing from 800 prisoners in 1973 to more than 7,000 currently." Behold the measure of success for Our Rulers. Those who incarcerate 10 times as many people as their predecessors, who rip almost 10 times as many victims from their families and shatter almost 10 times as many futures and dreams, strut among us as attorneys general. One of Charles Foti's special interests is "the elderly and the disabled." He claims that he "has for many years been an advocate for the elderly." Unless, of course, they happen to own nursing homes when Louisiana's authorities need a red herring to distract attention from their own criminal neglegence. And Foti is doing his best to reel that herring in. According to Chuckie: "We feel we have criminal negligence,They did not follow the standards of care that a reasonable person would follow in a similar circumstance."-----Is he talking about the Manganos or FEMA? "They were warned repeatedly both by the media and by the St. Bernard Parish emergency preparation people that the storm was coming. Their inaction resulted in the death of these people."--------- He MUST be referring to FEMA! The Manganos not only cared for their patients, they invited friends and family to take shelter with them at the nursing home because they considered it to be safe. The Manganos neither starved anyone or held them at gunpoint as was the case at the Superdome. The Manganos had to make a decision and they did. Government agencies are still in the process of decision making and the storm has passed! Did the Manganos make a bad decision? They probably did. Did Government agencies make bad decissions? Most definately!