Sunday, August 28, 2005

America is falling asleep AGAIN...

Bombing in Afghanistan Kills One U.S. Serviceman, Injures Four
Associated PressSunday, August 28, 2005

KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 27 -- A bomb killed a U.S. service member and wounded four others when it exploded near their armored vehicle in eastern Afghanistan, the military said Saturday.

Why is this not front page news today?? Has America been blinded by all the political turmoil at home? I would think this would be front page news instead of being a 10 liner buried so deep in local papers that unless you are checking football scores you won't even see it. We have been de-sensitized to war! The media has better things to cover now I the large pro-war activist turn out near Camp Casey. Never mind that a brave American warrior gave his life yesterday on foriegn soil. Oh well......I guess we have to sacrifice someone so that front page news like the Hawk with a sign calling Cindy Sheehan "BITCH IN A DITCH" can be brought to our attention. I also found it rather odd that the radical, vicious venom spitting pro-war activists were big news in Waco when they were out-numbered 10 to 1 by the anti-war group! While those 2000 Doves were calling for peace and an answer to a single question.......the 200 pro-Bushies were busy shouting obsenities!