Sunday, August 28, 2005

Which 'Bush' Is Terrorism Hiding Behind??

Sadly, the American republic is on life support. Read Chalmers Johnson’s “Sorrows of Empire” if you want a good sense of the role of the American military around the world. If the U.S. military was really fighting “terrorism”, they’d have to bomb D.C. into rubble as the U.S. is the number one terrorist state in the world. Look at the historical record: training and funding for death squads throughout Central America—many of these terrorists and torturers trained at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. Look at the support for terrorist groups, such as the Contras backed by Reagan, in their attacks on schools, clinics, farms, and the torture, rape, and murder of civilians. Examine the extermination of perhaps half a million people by the U.S. armed and trained Indonesian military led by Suharto in 1965. The U.S. provided lists of people to be tortured and murdered. Take a look at the terrorist coups against democratic governments: Arbenz in Guatemala 1954; against the democratic, secular Mosaddeq in 1953 in Iran. The U.S. and Brits installed a murderous, torturing dictator—the Shah—ultimately leading, in reaction, to the Islamic revolution. In 1973 the government helped overthrow the democratically elected Allende government and supported the fascist Pinochet as he murdered and tortured tens of thousands of Chileans. The democratically elected Aristide was just taken out by a U.S. backed coup--so much for the Orwellian mantra of "freedom and democracy."
By the way, the U.S. is refusing to extradite known Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who helped blowup an airliner 1976 that killed 73 people, to Venezuela where he’s a fugitive from a prison break. Ironically, he’s in Texas on an immigration charge of entering the U.S. illegally. (Just more evidence that the so-called ‘war on terror’ is a massive fraud.) He’s asking for refugee status! There’s no sign that the Bush regime intends to arrest him as a terrorist. By the logic of American fascists, Venezuela should have the right to invade the U.S., kill a hundred thousand or so of our civilians, install a puppet regime, and occupy us for the next 50 years or so because of our government’s clear support for terrorists and terrorism.
Never forget that Saddam was recruited by the CIA in 1959 for a terrorist assassination attempt against Iraqi leader Qasim. He continued under their support and tutelage for years. When the Bathists came to power in Iraq, the U.S. provided lists of people again to be tortured and murdered—most were students, professors, doctors, lawyers, and trade unionists who were considered too ‘undependable’ to live. That’s terrorism. That’s murder. Recall that the U.S.--and particularly the Reagan/Bush Sr. gang--armed and supported Saddam in the 1980s when he carried out most of his killings of Iraqis. Rumsfeld has been immortalized in a photograph shaking Saddam’s bloody little hand soon after the infamous gassing of the Kurds. Odd, they had no concerns about his widespread torture and murder back then. He was one of “our” dictators. They armed and supported his invasion of Iran, a war that produced a million or so casualties.
Never, never forget that Bush and the PNAC cabal planned their invasion of Iraq long before 9/11. Bush is even on record saying that he planned to start a war so that he could get his domestic agenda rammed through Congress, even before he was selected president. (The neo-cons were impressed by Thatcher’s popularity after the Falklands War with Argentina and saw it as the way to blindfold people with the flag. Nationalism and religion have long served to manipulate the peasants, masses, average folks, etc. The Straussians and Machiavellians running our present regime are very, very adept at that strategy. After all, they have the American version of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels—more commonly known as Karl Rove-- to plot strategy for them.)
Never forget who created, trained, funded, fostered the muhajedeen that morphed into the 9/11 boys and never forget who was asleep at the wheel when it unfolded. Even the neutered 9/11 commission, specially picked by Bush to avoid unpleasant inquiries, insisted there was absolutely no link between Iraq and 9/11. Don’t forget that Bush and the Neo-cons doctored intelligence and lied to the American public about WMD. They forged documents and went to the UN with fake intelligence and phony photos. They guaranteed that they KNEW EXACTLY where the verboten WMDs were located. All were lies and fabrications by individuals who are (with the exception of the now MIA Colin Powell) CHICKENHAWKS. It’s really unfortunate that we will not see Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. on trial for war crime any time soon.

In the meantime, SUPPORT Cindy Sheehan!